Birthday Wishlist ♡

My Birthday is coming up really soon (June 2) and i've kind of made it a tradition to make a birthday wishlist post (although in reality I never really ask for anything) These are some of the really cute and nifty things i've had my eye on for a while now!~ (P.S i'm back from my Hiatus, forgive me?)

♥ Sakura bath bomb 
♥ Iphone 5s 
♥ Curly Wurly 
♥ T.U.K Cat boots 
♥ Grimes Vinyl 


  1. I have the Visions vinyl in Lavender! It was the UO exclusive. It's more pricey but so awesome!

  2. you updated! im so happy!

  3. I have the daisy dress! it's so so gorgeous, super glad I bought it.

  4. What font did you use for the header in this post? It's so cute.

  5. That mug is so cute! Cat paws are the cutest. I've had an iPhone 4 for like three years now, I want a 5s too :< Those swimsuits are really cute! I haven't had a swimming suit in like 5 or 6 years and I think I'm finally comfortable enough to get one this summer! Happy early birthday April :-)
    Love, Luciana~

  6. Everything in this wishlist is perfect! I've never heard of that brand of lipstick before but the packaging is so adorable! Also that mug looks like it could be a perfection addition to my collection!

    The Impossibly Cute

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